Vermarje' Tea Co.
Calm in the Pause and a Cup of Tea
As the owner of Vermarje’ Tea Co. a business that brings comfort, calm and relaxation through the enjoyment of tea, I invite you to Pause & Sip and enjoy the moments that make up life’s journey.
After a career as an executive in the transportation industry, a director on several boards, a community activist and mother, I understand the challenges of time management and commitment in balancing family, career and time for self. Today as an entrepreneur, those challenges haven’t changed and as a matter of fact, with all the electronic devices, I seem to be busier. But what has changed is my understanding of the need to slow down, quiet the mind and be present in the moment. I understand the “Power of the Pause” and the calm and relaxation that comes with preparing and drinking tea.
I see the world as abundant and filled with beauty and harmony, but believe people are moving too fast in it. When people “pause” and slow down, just for a few moments, sipping a cup of tea, it can change the course of their day (and life), altering their state of mind and being – giving them the opportunity to quiet their mind, be in the moment or “present”, and experience a feeling of calm & relaxation with more peace, joy and openness. When people are calm, relaxed, less stressed and open, I believe then they are more capable of handling the challenges of everyday life and more tolerant of one another. It helps them to cherish the surrounding daily gifts and blessings and celebrate what life’s journey has to offer.
When people learn how to prepare and drink the tea at certain times throughout the day, it can provide both physical and emotional benefits – because tea is a natural, healthy beverage with uplifting, rejuvenating and calming properties for body, mind and spirit.
I believe that drinking tea in a group (whether family, friends or new acquaintances) in a comfortable environment, can create common ground where people come together in community to have fun, feel good and experience “the power in the pause” allowing them to be open to connect with themselves or others, sharing thoughts and creative ideas and, just maybe, solving the problems and challenges of the world.
Vermarje’ offers fine tea and tisanes, tea wares for easy brewing; Tea Talk Tastings, interactive educational workshops; gifts, that bring comfort and joy; Pause & Sip, a teatime that invites relaxation, renews the mind and refreshes spirit, nurtures friendships, and encourages thoughtful conversation; CommuniTea, community engagement. I hope you will consider adding a Pause to your life.
Pause Sip and enjoy the moments,
Mary Fernandes

Pastry Boutique
Vernell Rivers Fisher
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