All About Tea
Tea 101 – How to Brew Great Tasting Tea
Frequently Asked Questions
Important to note, there are many types of tea in the major tea categories and the brewing time will differ. Test within the recommended times. The average amount of tea is a level tea spoon per cup. Herbal teas may require a heaping tea spoon.
White – 2-4 minutes
Green – Japanese (steamed tea) 2 – 2 ½ some can be 3 minutes – China (fired/roasted) 2-3 minutes some can be 4 minutes. Important to remember not to boil the water. If tea taste bitter it has brewed to long, add more tea and adjust your brewing time within the suggested range.
Oolong – depending on the leaves, brewing time can range from 2-7 minutes, on an average 4 minutes.
Black – 3-5minutes – some black tea such as Darjeeling, which is a delicate tea, use a shorter time – 2 -2 ½ minutes
Herbal tea /Tisanes come from many different types plants – flowers, herbs, roots, spices, and fruit, so they require different brew times. Averaging between 3-7 minutes.
Caffeine amount depends on the quality, type and blend of tea.
Green tea averages 8.5 mg
Oolong tea – 12.5 mg
Black tea – 25-110 mg
White tea 15-30
Loose-leaf tea should be stored in an air tight container, away from direct sunlight and moisture. The delicate leaves of tea absorb strong odors. Don’t refrigerator or freeze.
Blended teas are a mix of teas, with or without additional ingredients. English Breakfast is typically a blend of different Ceylon teas, while Irish Breakfast is typically a blend of different Assam teas. Something Kenya and other teas are also used in the blending.
Scented teas have the aroma of an additional ingredient, which is added during the final drying stage. Such as Earl Gray with included the bergamot flower or scent from the flower, Jasmine is another example. Flavored teas have other ingredients added to the tea, such as a fruit or flower, to create a new flavor. Such as peach apricot, or mango.
There are four main categories of tea, white, green, black and oolong. All four kinds originate from the same plant – Camellia Sinensis or Thea sinensis. The difference between them are a result of the different processing methods. Green tea leaves are steam or dry heat, called “fixes” the green colors and fresh flavors. The others go through fermentation/oxidation process, changing the leaves from green to black. Oolong tea is partially oxidized and black tea is full oxidized. The methods and varieties differ from region to region including soil condition, altitude, and seasons.
Argentina, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Taiwan.
There are many times of teas in each of the major tea categories and the taste, flavor and aroma will be different, depending upon the origin, altitude, process, quality, and season.
White Tea – light and mellow, with flavor sometimes grassy, delicate flowers.
Green Tea – light and subtle, grassy, vegetal, seaweed, lemony taste – if water is too hot, tea will be astringent and bitter.
Dragonwell is mild, sweet with chestnut notes, and Genmaicha has a roasty and veggie, taste.
Oolong Tea – full-bodied with a fragrant flavor and fruity, sweet aroma.
Black Tea – bold and rich – variety in flavor and whether it is a single-estate tea, and season harvested.
Assam – bold, brisk, malty.
Ceylon – bold, strong, rich notes of spice and something chocolate.
Keemun – fruity, wine-like, tobacco-like, floral, fruity.
Darjeeling – first flush (spring) lighter, slightly green flavor, second flush (fall) sweet, fruity -peach, muscat grape, apricot notes.
Although China is the largest consumer of tea over 725,000,000 tons per year, Turkey ranks first in terms of quantity consumed per capita.